Sammy Studios

I didn’t get the full run of what Sammy has to offer this year, but what I did see locks Sammy Studios in as an up and coming company.

Darkwatch (PS2, Xbox)
Darkwatch is their baby and it shows. First person vampire westerns have always been a favorite, and this one is not a disappointment, with great graphics, original design, and great atmosphere. This game looks like something you can sink your teeth into.


The Shield (PS2, Xbox)
Sammy has also done a console port of the FX show The Shield. The demo they had worked up for the game took place in a porn shop, so obviously the game will be going for an M rating, and quite deliciously so. The most impressive thing in the game was the intimidation interface. Some people needed a good beating while others would succumb after breaking a favorite tape collection or similar items.

Better yet, the character models deform as you beat them, so if you bring in a guy who you unjustifiably roughed up you may have some problems with internal affairs. This game looks to be true to the series (though I’ve never seen it, so I could be going out on a limb there) and has some great interactive capabilities (that ATM would look better with this perp’s head in it…). Overall fans of the show should be pleased, and any of you cop gamers out there should enjoy the chance to play a dirty cop.


Spy Fiction (PS2)
Sammy also had a demo for Spy Fiction. This game looks like what every Mission Impossible game should have been. Spy Fiction has the typical sneak in and get something done routine with a few extras. The good old chameleon gear is in good form here, but you don’t really activate it, just sit still for a second or two and you’re a part of the wall. Also you have some nice little grips that will let you stick to the ceiling and find some interesting hiding places and alternate routes.

By far the more fun thing is your camera which allows you to take pictures of people and then use it to disguise yourself. The quality of your disguise depends on the quality of your picture, so be sure to get the face of that guard captain. Aside from all the neat toys you get the game itself looks amazing and with a few little mini game mission setups (target jumping to the insertion point) this looks pretty good too.